Things about the Assaults
Being charged with an Assault charge in NSW can have devastating consequences on a person employment and travel privileges. Assault charges are serious offences that can affect a defendant in serious and unique ways. Assault charges can arise in several differing circumstances and each case deserves a specialized and focused approach. The Crimes Act 1900 is the Act which sets out the laws which apply in NSW. Suffice to say it is a complex set of laws. What is an Assault? Assault is an act where a person intentionally or recklessly causes another person to apprehend immediate and unlawful violence. It is not always the violence itself, but the actual fear of that violence which is the crux of the offence of assault. Types of Assault Assaults are divided into – “common assaults” and “aggravated assaults”. Common Assault · Common assault is found under s 61 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) and are usually dealt with by a Local Cour...